One of the long standing works of Andrew Murray, and recogonized by many as the best that has been written on the subject of our \"abiding in Christ\" as seen in John Chapter 15.
Indeed, it is only as we see our position in Christ(Rom. 6) from a Biblical perspective will we be able to walk in the Spirit tha we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Only as we see what Christ has \"Truly\" done on our behalf, will we be able to deal with sin and the crippling guilt that it brings.
If we do not \"know\" who we are \"In Christ\", sin will drive us away, not bring us closer in that Father/Son relationship.
Mr. Murray deals with these issues and many more in his book, \"Abiding In Christ\".
A Good \"Read\" if read prayerfully and in humility.
[5 of 5 Stars!]