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Earth's Earliest Ages
By: G.H. Pember 
(See other books by G.H. Pember)


Earth\'s Earliest Ages

Description: Earth's Earliest Ages by G.H. Pember is a study of Genesis 1 to 6, plus an extended discussion of Eastern religions and the occult. This classic work examines the biblical evidence for a post-creation catastrophe and destruction of the earth and a subsequent recreation. Pember examines the role of demonic forces in the first destruction of earth under God's judgment and compares them to the rise of spiritualism, Theosophy, and Buddhist thought.

George Hawkins Pember, G.H. Pember, was born in 1837. He was educated at Cambridge University where he took his M.A. in Classics at age twenty-six. Upon his conversion to Christ, G.H. Pember determined to devote his scholastic talents to a close and comprehensive study of the Scriptures for the benefit of God's people. His penchant for meticulous scholarship, extensive knowledge of ancient cultures, and keen spiritual insight combined to produce works of a quality and depth with few parallels in Christian expository literature.

G.H. Pember died in 1910, leaving a rich legacy of reclaimed spiritual truth, upon which subsequent reformers such as J. N. Darby, Watchman Nee, G. H. Lang, and T. Austin-Sparks would build.

"He was preeminently a teacher of teachers, and one of the best exponents of prophetic Scripture during his period, so rich in great teachers of the Word of God". - G. H. Lang

Table of Content:

  • Forward
  • Preface to Third Edition
  • Author's Preface to First Edition
  • The Creation
  • The Interval
  • The Six Days
  • The Creation of Man
  • The Fall of Man
  • The Trial and Sentence
  • The Age of Freedom
  • The Days of Noah
  • "As It Was In The Days Of Noah"
  • Spiritualism (Part 1): The Testimony of the Bible
  • Spiritualism (Part 2): The Testimony of History
  • Spiritualism (Part 3): The Modern Outburst
  • Theosophy
  • Buddhism
  • Signs of the End
  • Confirmatory Evidence


  • ISBN-10: 0825435331
  • ISBN-13: 9780825435331
  • Publisher: Kregel Publications
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Pages: 332
  • Actual Weight: 1 pound
  • Date: 1987
  • Author: G.H. Pember
  • Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Condition: New
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