Description: With every passing day, the stakes grow higher in the escalating conflict between Iran and Israel. What can we expect next? That's the subject of a riveting new book from bestselling prophecy author Mark Hitchcock.
Iran has repeatedly declared its intention to wipe Israel off the map. And the moment Iran becomes a nuclear threat, not only the Middle East but the whole world will be in danger. A war against Iran holds frightening implications: global economic chaos, increasing Islamic tensions, and sky-high oil prices, among other things.
In Iran and Israel, Mark Hitchcock brings a strong biblical perspective to these current events, answering these questions and more:
- Will this put us on the road to Armageddon?
- What can we expect in the days to come?
- Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?
An eye-opening survey of where things stand, and how it all ties in with Bible prophecy.
- ISBN-10: 0736953345
- ISBN-13: 9780736953344
- Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
- Binding: Paperback
- Actual Weight: 8 ounces
- Author: Mark Hitchcock
- Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
- Availability: In Stock
- Condition: New