Description: This is the COMPLETE collection of Tithe & Offering Scriptures by Leon Bible W/ Excell Organizer Spreadsheet and the E-Book version the COMPLETE collection of Tithe & Offering Scriptures. 260 Bible passages and meditations arranged in Biblical order. Written from a Pastors heart, Tithe & Offering Scriptures is bold in proclaiming promises of blessing to the giver and tither; yet no exaggerated claims, fanciful interpretations, or twisting of Scripture are used to manipulate giving. Giving and tithing is truly an act of worship and faith.
The author firmly believes in Romans 10:17 faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When the Bible is read, faith for giving will be born in the hearts of the hearers. As this happens people will give out of a heart of obedience to the Word of God. It is this kind of giving that God responds to with abundant blessings in the life of the giver. If we want to see the Kingdom of God advanced, and Gods people experiencing financial blessings, then it is the duty of Pastors, as stewards of the Word of God, to share faithfully Gods principles of giving. – Leon Bible
Click on the image below to view just one of the Tithe and Offering Scriptures available.

Book Description:
- Tithe & offering outlines
- 5 Years/ 260 week program
- Outlines fully developed
- Scripturally sound
- Takes less than 5 minutes
- Table of Contents
- Complete Subject Index
- No gimmicks, pressure or hype
- Space for personal notes and dates used
Each Tithe & Offering Scriptures is developed in the following seven ways:
- Title - Each meditation has a prayerfully worded faith-filled title.
- Theme - The theme states in a concise and clear way the Scriptural thoughts and ideas that will be left in the hearts of the hearers.
- Scripture Reading - The KJV Scripture text is printed for your convenience, however, any version may be used. Other versions are often given where help in clarifying the text is needful.
- Relating to the Scripture - In a simple and straight forward way, the teaching of the text is given. Often Hebrew and Greek word meanings as well as other Biblical resources are cited and referenced.
- Offering Admonition/Confession - This section serves as a connecting statement between the Scripture and the offering itself; which may be read or may be used to lead Gods people in a confession of faith.
- Personal Notes - Recognizing that God will also be speaking to you, as you meditate His Word, a place for recording your own thoughts and spiritual insights is provided.
- Ministry Use Log - These Scriptural meditations are intended to be used in the receiving of tithe and offerings in Christian assemblies. Understanding that these Scriptures will not be used in order and that the minister will need to know what Scripture was used and when, a record section for Ministry Use is a must and is included.
Related Information:
- Click on one of the Sample Meditations to View in PDF form:
- Click Here to read the Introduction
- Click Here to read the Table of Contents
- Click Here to read the Bibliography
- Click Here to read Testimonials of Pastors who use Tithe and Offering Scriptures.
- Click Here to read a Tithing Sermon by Auther W. Pink.
- Click Here to read Barna's polling on tithing in America.
- Click Here to read about Pastor Leon Bible the author of these books.
- Click Here to read Ten Reasons To Tithe!
One of the outstanding testimonies we have received - A Lutheran Pastor from North Carolina called our office a few days ago and said: On the first Sunday I read a Tithing Scripture in our church, a lady gave my Treasurer an envelop at the close of the service. The Treasurer called me later that afternoon and said I should come to the church at once. I went to the church and the lady had written a letter and gave it with a check, in her giving envelop. She said "thank you for sharing the Word on giving." She said she had been behind in her giving and wanted to honor God, as the Scripture I had read said we should do. In the envelop there was a check for $10,000.00. Thank God for Tithes and Offering Scriptures!
- ISBN-10: 0967199565
- ISBN-13: 9780967199566
- Publisher: Ministry Helps
- Binding: Hardback
- Pages: 568
- Date: 2015
- Author: Leon Bible
- Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
- Availability: In Stock
- Condition: New