Description: Joseph Prince opens Unmerited Favor with the story of Joseph in the Bible and how God's Favor lead his life to success! Amid this hustle and bustle in the main square by the fountain stands a young man of about 17 years old, his neck and his hands bound firmly with coarse ropes. From the rope burns across his wrists and around his neck, you can tell that the merchants have not been kind as they hurried to reach the market in time to put their prize on display. They have heard a rumor that Potiphar, a high-ranking official from Pharaoh's court, is planning to make a purchase today.
The young man is dazed from so many days of walking, His legs keep buckling beneath him, his arms are weary from the constant tugging and his mouth is parched from the dry desert winds. He is in a foreign land where the people speak in an incomprehensible tongue. With nothing to his name, not even a loincloth to cover his modesty, he is bound and displayed, completely naked. In a short while, he would be inspected like an animal against his will, and sold into a lifetime of slavery.
And yet, God Himself calls this young man, named Joseph a successful man!
UnMerited Favor - Chapter 1, pages 1-2
God's definition of success is not what you have, but rather who you have! It is the presence of the Lord in your life that makes you a success! Jesus' unmerited favor will protect, deliver, prosper, restore and transform you into wholeness. His unmerited favor will cause you to enjoy success beyond your natural intelligence, qualifications and ability!
- ISBN-10: 1616385898
- ISBN-13: 9781616385897
- Publisher: Charisma Media Company
- Binding: Paperback
- Actual Weight: 1 pound 2 ounces
- Author: Joseph Prince
- Google Product Category: Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
- Availability: In Stock
- Condition: New